On Monday 11/14/2022, the Quality Assurance Department, in cooperation with the quality units in the colleges, held a training course on formulating the course learning outcomes and linking them to the general course learning outcomes in the colleges. With the participation of teachers of general courses (computer - communication skills - Arabic - English - Islamic studies). Where His Excellency Dr. Bandar Al-Mutairi, Director of the Quality Assurance Department, welcomed the attendees and stressed the importance of the course in preparing faculty members to formulate the learning outcomes of the general courses in the colleges, where the distribution of the outputs and an explanation of the structure of the course learning output was followed by a detailed presentation of the method of entering the outputs into the new electronic system for quality in the colleges and discussing some examples of Courses for which outputs have been formulated in the papers distributed to the trainees. At the end of the meeting, His Excellency Dr. Bandar received the inquiries of the faculty members, with an agreement to give detailed workshops in this regard from the Quality Unit in the college.
Course Topics:
- Identify the best methods in formulating learning outcomes.
- How to formulate course learning outcomes based on the new quality system.
- Aligning the course learning outcomes with the program outcomes based on the new quality system.
Course Objectives:
- Defining quality units and quality committees with the best methods in formulating learning outcomes.
- Defining quality units and quality committees on how to formulate course learning outcomes based on the new quality system.
- Defining quality units and quality committees on how to align course learning outcomes with program outcomes on the new quality system.
- The Quality Assurance Department will supervise the training of members and formulate the course outputs and align them with the program outputs.
- Professors of general courses should apply the suggested formulations to general courses.
- Directors of academic programs must review the academic course outcomes after they are formulated.