Field Training Requirements
Completion of the academic hours required to be eligible for training.
85 study hours for four-year academic programs (eight levels of study).
111 study hours for five-year academic programs (ten levels of study).
Field Training Registration Procedures
Search for a suitable training opportunity to specialize in government and private institutions inside and outside the Kingdom, and communicate with them to obtain a training plan.
Send a training request to the training unit's e-mail to obtain an official letter addressed to the selected entity, during the period specified in the unit's academic calendar.
Go to the entity and give them the training letter in addition to the training initiation form to fill in with training data and contact information with their training supervisor.
Completing the registration procedures for the field training course by paying the required fees, then going to the schedule manager to register for the course.
Direct delivery of the training form B, the training student, and the training plan is entrusted to the college's training supervisor, "Professor Course".