Field training requirements:
The academic hours required to be eligible for training for each department are as follows:
Department of Regulations (Law): Completion of 112 study hours with the registration of the training course in the eighth level.
Department of Business Management: Business Administration Program and the Human Resources Management Program complete 94 study hours with the registration of the training course in the seventh level.
Department of Psychology: completing 114 study hours with the registration of the training course in the eighth level.
Department of Accounting: Completion of 92 study hours with the registration of the training course in the seventh level.
Field Training Registration Procedures:
Fill out the students' wishes/demands electronically, showing the different training bodies according to the scientific departments.
Registration for the practical training course.
Hand out the official letters to the students to the various training agencies via e-mail.
Distribute the training forms to accredited training agencies and its affiliates.
Fill out the initiation form by the male/female student and having it approved by the training authority since the first week.