Procedural Guide for Student Affairs Committee in the College of Engineering and Information Technology


Steps to implement the procedures for requesting course registration:
  • The student reviews the financial affairs.

  • The student registers the courses according to the study plan, as well as according to the instructions and controls for registering the courses announced for the student, by entering the student’s electronic portal on a date according to the announced academic calendar for students.

  • If the student encounters any problem in registering, the following can be done:

    1. The student fills out a course registration form.

    2. The student approves the registration form from his academic advisor.

    3. The student submits the form to the Student Affairs Committee.

    4. Implementation of the request on the electronic E-register system by a member of the Student Affairs Committee.


  • In the event that the student’s academic load is not completed according to the study plan as a result of a problem, the following shall be followed:

    1. The student sends an email to the Student Affairs Committee and explains his problem.

    2. The application is referred to the authority responsible for accreditation.

    3. After finding a solution to the problem in coordination with the head of the department and the Student Affairs Committee.

    4. The student is contacted to inform him of the result of the application.


Course registration instructions and controls:
  1. Courses are registered by the student through electronic services via the academic system portal.

  2. If you encounter difficulty in registering, please contact your academic advisor.

  3. The course to be registered should not conflict with another course in the academic schedule or have a previous requirement.

  4. In the event that the course to be registered has a simultaneous course, the two courses must be registered together.

  5. The course to be registered must be within three successive levels in the student’s plan (Provided that the gradual registration of courses is carried out according to the levels of the study plan, from the lowest level to the highest).

  6. There should be vacant seats in the division to be registered.

  7. Not to exceed the upper limit in registration for the permitted study load according to the student’s study plan.

  8. A student who is expected to graduate during the semester is allowed to register a maximum of 24 hours.

  9. When adding a free course, it must be taken into account that the free course is outside the student’s study plan.

  10. Follow up on the e-mail is very important for the student, to view the instructions and any new instructions.

  11. The student is allowed to submit a schedule amendment only once, and through this request he can apply for three academic moves (adding a course / deleting a course / switching a section).

  12. Submission of the application does not mean acceptance, and the application must be followed up through the academic system portal.

  13. When a course is requested to be deleted simultaneously with another course, both courses will be automatically deleted upon approval of the request to delete one of the courses.

  14. Reviewing the academic schedule, committing to attending all registered courses, and following up on the study schedule during the registration period.


Steps to implement the procedures for requesting (deletion and addition) courses:
  • The student deletes and adds courses by entering the student’s electronic portal.

  • If the student encounters any problem in deleting and adding a course, the following can be followed:

    1. The student fills out a form for deleting and adding courses.

    2. The student approves the form from his academic advisor.

    3. The student submits the form to the Student Affairs Committee.

    4. Implementation of the request on the electronic E-register system by a member of the Student Affairs Committee.


Steps to implement the procedures for lifting the deprivation:
  • If the student’s absence from attending courses exceeds 25% to less than 50% of attending lectures, the following shall be followed:

    1. The student fills out a request form to lift the denial of entering the final exam for a course and attach excuses for the days of absence from lectures.

    2. The student sends the request to the Student Affairs Committee via the committee’s email on a date according to the academic calendar.

    3. The request shall be presented to the College Council or whoever it delegates to take a decision approving or rejecting the lifting of the ban.

    4. In the event that the council or whoever it delegates agrees to lift the deprivation, the request shall be referred to the manager of the electronic E-register system in order to lift the deprivation and amend the student’s status in the course to regular.

    5. Communicate with the student to inform him of the result of the application.


Steps to implement the procedures for requesting an alternative test for a course:
  • If the student is unable to attend the final exam in any of the semester’s courses due to a compelling excuse, the following shall be followed:

    1. The student fills out an alternative test request form and attaches excuses for the reason for missing the final test (within two weeks of the date of the exam for the course in which the student was absent).

    2. The student sends the request to the Student Affairs Committee via the committee’s e-mail,

    3. The request shall be presented to the College Council to take a decision of approval or rejection,

    4. Communicate with the head of the department and members of the final examinations committee in order to organize an alternative examination in the event of approval by the Council.

    5. Communicate with the student to inform him of the result of the application and the date of the alternative test if approved.

    6. After the student completes the test, one of the members of the Examinations and Control Committee who is in charge of supervising the alternative tests shall hand over to the course professor the student’s answer sheet for correction and hand it over to the control again after completing the correction.

    7. The professor of the course fills out a degree modification and approval form from the head of the department in order for the grade to be monitored.

    8. The degree modification form is submitted to the college council for approval.

    9. The degree modification form, after the approval of the council, is referred to the director of the electronic E-register system for implementation.

    10. Communicate with the student to inform him of the result of the application.


Steps to implement the procedures for requesting an apology for continuing to study a semester:
  • A student may apologize for continuing to study a semester without being deemed to have failed by following the following:

    1. The student fills out a semester apology request form, after verifying the student’s personality.

    2. Approval of the form from the Solution Center, the Admission and Registration Department, and the Financial Affairs Department.

    3. The student sends the request to the Student Affairs Committee via the committee’s email on a date according to the academic calendar

    4. Refer the application to the Dean of the College for approval.

    5. Refer the application approved by the Dean of the College to the Department of Admission and Registration for implementation in the electronic E- Register system.

    6. Communicate with the student to inform him of the result of the application.


Steps to implement the procedures for requesting an apology for continuing to study a course
  • A student may apologize for continuing to study a course without being deemed to have failed by following the following:

    1. The student fills out a form to request an apology for a course, after verifying the student’s personality.

    2. Approval of the form by the academic advisor and head of the department.

    3. The student sends the request to the Student Affairs Committee via the committee’s email on a date according to the academic calendar.

    4. Refer the application to the Dean of the College for approval.

    5. Refer the application approved by the Dean of the College to the Department of Admission and Registration for implementation in the electronic E-Register system.

    6. Communicate with the student to inform him of the result of the application.


Steps to implement the procedures for requesting a study postponement for a semester:
  • The student may submit a request to postpone the study before the end of the first week of the start of the study, by following the following:

    1. The student fills out a semester postponement request form, after verifying the student’s personality.

    2. Approval of the form from the Department of Admission and Registration and the Department of Financial Affairs

    3. The student sends the request to the Student Affairs Committee via the committee’s email on a date according to the academic calendar.

    4. Refer the application to the Dean of the College for approval.

    5. Refer the application approved by the Dean of the College to the Department of Admission and Registration for implementation in the electronic E-Register system.

    6. Communicate with the student to inform him of the result of the application.


Steps to implement the procedures for requesting re-enrollment:
  • A student whose enrollment has been terminated due to dropping out of study, withdrawal, or a cumulative GPA lower than (2 out of 5) may apply for re-enrollment by following the following:

    1. The student whose registration is folded shall apply for re-enrollment before the beginning of the semester for the semester in which he wishes to register.

    2. The student fills out the re-enrollment request form.

    3. Approval of the form from the Solution Center.

    4. The student sends the request to the Student Affairs Committee via the committee’s email on a date according to the academic calendar.

    5. The request is presented to the College Council to take a decision of approval or rejection.

    6. In the event that the College Council approves the re-enrollment, the approval is referred to the Admission and Registration Department for implementation through the electronic E-Register system.

    7. Communicate with the student to inform him of the result of the application.


  1. If four semesters or more have passed since the student’s enrollment has been terminated, the request shall be submitted to the Board of Trustees upon the recommendation of the College Council to re-enroll.

  2. If the student receives at most three consecutive warnings due to a cumulative GPA of less than (2 out of 5), the request shall be submitted to the Board of Trustees upon the recommendation of the College Council to give the student a fourth chance.


Steps to implement the procedures for requesting re-correct:
  • The student may submit a request to re-correct papers by following the following:

    1. The student fills out a request re-correction form to re-correct the answer sheets for a final exam

    2. Pay the re-correction fee.

    3. The student sends the request to the Student Affairs Committee via the committee’s email on a date according to the academic calendar.

    4. The request shall be presented to the College Council, provided that it does not exceed the end of the first week of the following semester.

    5. In the event that a request for re-correction is approved, the college council forms a committee of three faculty members to re-correct the answer sheets, and the committee submits a report to the college council for decision, and the council’s opinion is final.

    6. In the event that the result modification is approved, it will be submitted to the electronic E-Register system administration according to the approved form to amend the result of a course.

    7. Communicate with the student to inform him of the result of the application.


Steps to implement the procedures for requesting a modification of the result
  • In the event that a student’s degree is modified in a course after taking an alternative exam or an amendment to an incomplete grade (IC), the following shall be followed:

    1. The course professor fills in and signs a request degree modification form to amend the degree and explains the justifications for the amendment.

    2. The form is approved by the head of the department.

    3. The request is presented to the College Council to take a decision of approval or rejection.

    4. In the event that the College Council agrees to amend the degree, the approved application is referred to the management of the electronic E-Register system for its implementation.

    5. Communicate with the student to inform him of the result of the application.


Steps to implement the procedures for requesting the equivalency of the courses:
  • Steps to implement the procedures for requesting the equivalency of courses for a student transferred to Onaizah colleges:

    1. The student submits the academic transcript of the college in which he studied to the Department of Admission and Registration.

    2. The Department of Admission and Registration refers the student’s academic transcript to the Student Affairs Committee.

    3. The Student Affairs Committee refers the student’s academic transcript to the head of the department to conduct and approve the equivalency from the dean of the college.

    4. The head of the department shall refer the equivalency approved by the dean of the college to the Student Affairs Committee for registration on the electronic E-Register system.

    5. The Student Affairs Committee, after registering the equivalent courses for the student, requests the head of the department to approve the equivalent courses registered in the electronic E-Register system.

    6. Communicate with the student to inform him of the number of hours of the equivalency and to complete the registration procedures for the academic schedule.


Steps to implement the procedures for requesting re-equivalency of the courses:
  1. The student submits the academic transcript of the college in which he studied and the previous equivalency of the colleges of Onaizah to the Student Affairs Committee.

  2. The Student Affairs Committee shall refer a request for re-equivalency of courses to the head of the department to consider the request.

  3. In the event that new courses have been equalized for the student, the head of the department shall refer a form for re-equivalency of courses to the Dean of the College for approval.

  4. The head of the department shall refer the re-equivalency form approved by the dean of the college to the Student Affairs Committee in order to add the courses to the student in the electronic E-Register system.

  5. The Student Affairs Committee requests the head of the department to approve the equivalent courses in the electronic E-Register system.

  6. Communicate with the student to inform the result.


Steps to implement the procedures for requesting a transfer from one college to another within the colleges:
  1. The student fills out a transfer request form from one college to another, after verifying the student’s personality.

  2. Approval of the form from the Department of Admission and Registration, the academic advisor, the head of the department, and the Department of Financial Affairs.

  3. The student obtains the approval of the dean of the college to which he is transferred.

  4. The student obtains the approval of the dean of the college from which he is transferred.

  5. After the application is completed, it will be sent to the Department of Admission and Registration for implementation in the electronic E-Register system.

  6. Communicate with the student to inform him of the result of the application.


Steps to implement the procedures for requesting transfer from one major to another within the college:
  1. The student fills out a transfer request form from one major to another within the college, after verifying the student’s personality.

  2. Approval of the form from the Department of Admission and Registration, the academic advisor, the head of the department, and the Department of Financial Affairs.

  3. The student sends the request to the Student Affairs Committee via the committee’s email on a date according to the academic calendar.

  4. The application is referred to the Dean of the College for approval.

  5. The application is referred to the Department of Admission and Registration for implementation in the electronic E-Register system.

  6. Communicate with the student to inform him of the result of the application.


Steps to implement the procedures for requesting additional hours registration for a student who is expected to graduate:
  1. The student fills out an application form to add additional hours for a student expected to graduate.

  2. The Student Affairs Committee inquires about the number of hours remaining for the student and signs the form, provided that the number of these hours does not exceed 24 hours as a maximum, and the number of hours is 10 in the summer semester.

  3. The student approves the form from the academic advisor, head of the department, and the Department of Financial Affairs.

  4. The student sends the request to the Student Affairs Committee via the committee’s email on a date according to the academic calendar.

  5. The application is referred to the dean of the college for approval.

  6. The request is referred to the director of the electronic E-Register system for registration of courses for the student within the courses available for registration.

  7. Communicate with the student to inform him of the result of the application.


Steps to implement the procedures for applying to study as a visiting student at another university:
  • For a student of Onaizah private colleges who wishes to study as a visitor at a university or other colleges, follow the following:

    1. The student fills out the study application form as a visiting student.

    2. The application is referred to the Dean of the College for approval and permission for the student to study as a visiting student.

    3. The approved application is referred to the Department of Admission and Registration in order to direct the student with an official letter to the university or colleges in which he wishes to study as a visiting student, at a date before the end of the first week of study.


Steps to implement a student review procedure:
  • If the student has any academic related matter (outside of approved models), the following should be followed:

    1. The student fills out a student review form and writes his subject details.

    2. The student sends the request to the Student Affairs Committee via the committee’s email.

    3. The request is directed to His Excellency the Vice Dean of the College in order to refer it to the competent authority to take the necessary action and process the request of the student.

    4. Communicate with the student to inform him of the result of the application.