On Tuesday 11/18/2022, the Quality Assurance Department held a workshop to discuss teaching strategies and evaluation methods on the modern quality system, in cooperation with the quality units in the colleges, and with the participation of a group of experts in the field of teaching from different disciplines, in the training and development hall in the faculties. His Excellency Dr. Bandar Al-Mutairi, Director of the Quality Assurance Department, welcomed the attendees and explained the importance of teaching strategies and evaluation methods on the electronic system in the colleges. All the strategies used according to the academic courses and the appropriate strategies were discussed, and the focus group discussed the evaluation methods that suit each course. At the end of the meeting, Dr. Bandar thanked the colleagues for their interaction and insights in arbitrating and controlling education strategies and evaluation methods.
Workshop Topics:
- Discussing teaching strategies for college courses according to the quality system.
- Discussing methods of evaluating academic courses according to the modern quality system.
Workshop Objectives:
- Benefit from experts in developing education strategies in the new system.
- Benefit from expert opinions in developing new mechanisms for evaluation methods on the modern quality system.
The focus group delivered a number of recommendations, the most important of which are:
- Domain of Knowledge and Understanding
- Commitment to at least two strategies in each of the outputs of the three areas.
- Consider not duplicating two strategies when selecting strategies for courses.
- Add the word "video" in the field of skill.
- In a job offer strategy, you should reformulate and add (video/information).
- Add a remote discussion strategy.
- Add a presentation strategy (individual or group).
- Emphasis on activating extra-curricular activities as a strategy of teaching methods.
- Domain of Values
- Add a teamwork strategy (competitive or teamwork).
- Evaluation Methods
- Retranslate the word "summative" from summative to final.
- Add in the methods of evaluation testing (attend or remote).
- A Portfolio for all evaluation methods is added to the evaluation methods.
- Integration of essay and individual assessment.
- Some strategies, such as listening, speaking, and strategies related to training and practical application, must be evaluated according to a pre-prepared evaluation form that shows the evaluation scores and their divisions according to the Rubrics model.
- Observation according to Rubrics models.
- Delete peers and add the evaluation committee.